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RITE changes course for better future

The UK not-for-profit RITE group will from today undergo a ground-breaking strategic transition to be come the new RITE Academy, which will be housed at the University of Leeds. This radical move will ensure that RITE continues to pioneer new ways to reduce the impact of textiles on the environment through the education of tomorrow’s generation of industry professionals in one of the world’s most highly respected Institutes.

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Walmart store  

Walmart unveils its own Bangladesh plan

While many European and US retailers are signing up to a new safety accord on Bangladesh following the recent garment factory collapse that killed over 1000 workers, Walmart says it will instead conduct its own in-depth safety inspections at all 279 of its supplier factories in Bangladesh. The company has also posted on its website a list of failed factories in Bangladesh that are no longer allowed to produce goods for the retail giant.

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Water cost  

 Cotton linked to US$1.9 trillion 'true' water cost

The global unpaid environmental cost of water consumption by production and processing businesses is an estimated US$1.9 trillion, with part of the cost linked to drought causing cotton price volatility, according to new research for the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Business Coalition.

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Scandinavian politicians  

Politicians look to reclaim responsibility

Following the announcement by H&M that they have signed the binding Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Agreement, the Norwegian Minister for Consumer Affairs, Children and Equality Inga Marte Thorkildsen and the Minister for International Development Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, urged Norwegian apparel companies sourcing in the country to do the same, but to go even further in “the race towards best practice” as opposed to “the race for the cheapest prices”. Tone Tobiasson reports from Oslo.

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EU clothing industry energy saving tool

An on-going EU project, Sustainable Energy Saving for the European Clothing Industry (SESEC), aims to develop a new online tool to measure clothing energy consumption, with the findings incorporated into training programmes for clothing technicians and engineers, according to Intelligent Energy Europe.

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Texworld USA  

Apparel sourcing at Texworld USA

Described as the largest apparel sourcing event in North America, Texworld USA returns to New York this July. Designers, merchandisers and garment buyers will have the opportunity to see apparel fabrics and accessories for children’s, women’s and menswear, with showcased textiles including cotton, denim, linen and wool.

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Planet Textiles logo  

Planet Textiles - speaker update!

This year's Planet Textiles Conference is to be held 22nd October 2013 in Shanghai. Jointly organised by Ecotextile News and Messe Frankfurt, Planet Textiles tackles the crucial issues of sustainability in the global textiles sector. Early-bird sponsorship opportunities and VIP packages are now available - for enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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April May front cover

In the April/May 2013 magazine issue

Greenpeace UBA test controversy: Ecotextile News investigates, Eco-labelling confusion, Sustainable cotton demand-supply paradox, Brands move from ‘zero discharge’ aim, What do consumers really want? Pamela Ravasio reports, Christian Brandt, Jack Wolfskin chief operating officer, speaks to Ecotextile News, China admits pollution health risks, and all the latest news, insight and analysis.

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Adidas Environmental Strategy  

Adidas reports sustainability progress

Adidas Group has launched its 2012 Sustainability Progress Report, with highlights including a project to improve communication between factory management and workers in its supply chain, re-affirming its commitment to be using 100 per cent ‘sustainable cotton’ across all product categories by 2018, and outlining an intention to scale-up its use of new waterless dyeing technology.

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Patagonia sets up US$20M environmental fund

Outdoor apparel brand Patagonia has launched a US$20 million investment fund for environmentally responsible business start-ups, which aims to make a positive impact in the clothing, energy, water and waste industries.

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 CO2 dyeing a ‘game-changer’

DyeCoo’s waterless dyeing technology has been described as a “game-changer” by IKEA’s chief sustainability officer, Steve Howard. “You take a water intensive process and make it water-free,” Howard recently said in interview.

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2013 Sustainability Leaders  

PR can bolster sustainability perceptions

Transparency and a commitment to sustainable values are the main reasons why a company is perceived to be a sustainable leader – but a one-off campaign can lead to a substantial spike in perceptions according to a major new report. 

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EcoChic Design Award winner


Sustainable fashion design award opens

Applications have opened for the fourth Eco Chic Design Award, a sustainable fashion competition which organisers Redress say challenges designers to “cut the waste out of fashion,” with the winner awarded the opportunity to design a recycled textile clothing collection for apparel retailer Esprit. 

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Texworld USA  

Apparel sourcing at Texworld USA

Described as the largest apparel sourcing event in North America, Texworld USA returns to New York this July. Designers, merchandisers and garment buyers will have the opportunity to see apparel fabrics and accessories for children’s, women’s and menswear, with showcased textiles including cotton, denim, linen and wool.

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Planet Textiles logo  

Planet Textiles

This year's Planet Textiles Conference is to be held 22nd October 2013 in Shanghai. Jointly organised by Ecotextile News and Messe Frankfurt, Planet Textiles tackles the crucial issues of sustainability in the global textiles sector. Early-bird sponsorship opportunities and VIP packages are now available - for enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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April May front cover

In the April/May 2013 magazine issue

Greenpeace UBA test controversy: Ecotextile News investigates, Eco-labelling confusion, Sustainable cotton demand-supply paradox, Brands move from ‘zero discharge’ aim, What do consumers really want? Pamela Ravasio reports, Christian Brandt, Jack Wolfskin chief operating officer, speaks to Ecotextile News, China admits pollution health risks, and all the latest news, insight and analysis.

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Uzbek cotton workers  

Uzbek cotton: fashion's horsemeat equivalent

The recent horsemeat scandal offers a salutary lesson for clothing brands by showing how longer and more dispersed supply chains make it harder to ensure transparency and accountability. That was the view presented by Baroness Lady Young of Hornsea, chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Ethics and Sustainability in Fashion, during a recent House of Lords debate on ethical and sustainable fashion.

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EU flag  

New EU law proposed on textile chemicals

Moves are underway at the government level to introduce a coherent piece of EU legislation that will outlaw the use of certain ‘hazardous’ substances on textiles placed on the market in the EU – regardless of production origin of the textile products. By John Mowbray in Brussels.

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Nike challenge  

Nike spearheads sustainable textiles challenge

Nike is spearheading a new initiative which is seeking out inventors, research organisations and entrepreneurs who are working on ‘game-changing’ technologies and innovations with the potential to bring about a more sustainable textiles industry.

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Copenhagen Fashion Summit  

Copenhagen Fashion Summit: dates released

The second Copenhagen Fashion Summit, which takes a lead on sustainability and environmental issues in the global textile and clothing sectors, will run on April 24th 2014 at the Copenhagen Opera House in Denmark. Last year the event proved to be highly successful, attracting over 800 delegates and featured prominent speakers from Gucci, Patagonia, PPR (now Kering) and the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Building.

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Wolfskin meeting


Jack Wolfskin publishes PFC phase-out plan

At a meeting today in Germany, Jack Wolfskin published a detailed and transparent roadmap for the complete phase-out of perfluorinated chemistry (PFC) and other ‘hazardous’ textile chemicals in its supply chain by 2020. The well-known brand also announced a new long-term research partnership with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Centre for Materials and Coastal Research) and the Fresenius University to improve its overall environmental impact and help it reach its new targets.

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Texworld USA  

Apparel sourcing at Texworld USA

Described as the largest apparel sourcing event in North America, Texworld USA returns to New York this July. Designers, merchandisers and garment buyers will have the opportunity to see apparel fabrics and accessories for children’s, women’s and menswear, with showcased textiles including cotton, denim, linen and wool.

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Planet Textiles logo  

Planet Textiles

This year's Planet Textiles Conference is to be held 22nd October 2013 in Shanghai. Jointly organised by Ecotextile News and Messe Frankfurt, Planet Textiles tackles the crucial issues of sustainability in the global textiles sector. Early-bird sponsorship opportunities and VIP packages are now available - for enquiries please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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April May front cover

In the April/May 2013 magazine issue

Greenpeace UBA test controversy: Ecotextile News investigates, Eco-labelling confusion, Sustainable cotton demand-supply paradox, Brands move from ‘zero discharge’ aim, What do consumers really want? Pamela Ravasio reports, Christian Brandt, Jack Wolfskin chief operating officer, speaks to Ecotextile News, China admits pollution health risks, and all the latest news, insight and analysis.

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Leigh Fibers




EU puts organic textiles plan on hold
In a surprise, the European Commission has decided not to revise the European Union’s organic regulation EC No 834/2007 to include textiles, at least for the present. So is it going to consider formal recognition of GOTS?

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cotton   136-page sustainable cotton guide: DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE NOW
The Insiders Guide to Cotton and Sustainability, written by Simon Ferrigno and edited by John Mowbray, is now available as a digital publication. Published by MCL Global, producers of Ecotextile News and Knitting Trade Journal, the 136 page booklet covers the ecological impact of cotton production and the environmental challenges that this presents.

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New certificate for recycled textiles
Asian fashion NGO, Redress, has launched a new consumer-facing eco-label which verifies that retailers, brands or designers recycled their own factory fabric waste and/or unused clothing waste into their own brand new, recycled textile clothing items.

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AAFA unveils new safety compliance tools
The American Apparel & Footwear Association has unveiled two new members-only resources, the AAFA Restricted Substances List covering California Proposition 65 and the AAFA International Drawstring Requirements Comparison Chart.

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C.L.A.S.S. opens new showroom
C.L.A.S.S. (Creativity Lifestyle and Sustainable Sinergy), the sustainability platform for the fashion, home and design sectors is to open a new international showroom in Helsinki.

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Sky's the limit for new cotton processing technology
Delegates at the Great Ideas In Cotton event in Hong heard a series of technical presentations aimed at offering new processing technology for cotton textiles including a new method that reforms natural fibres like cotton at a molecular level to impart performance features, while retaining such natural characteristics as softness and moisture absorbency.

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Organic bed linen firm is a ‘Future Shaper’
The latest in the series of Future Shapers, launched by Textile Exchange to celebrate its 10th Anniversary, is Dutch-German linen company Dibell with the company set to feature in a UN Global Compact report during RIO+20.

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Home textiles sourcing event
Home Textiles Sourcing Expo (HTSE) is the only sourcing event in North America to solely focus on fabrics and finished soft goods for all home applications. HTSE provides manufacturers, retailers, jobbers, converters, contract specifiers and designers a one stop sourcing venue where they can locate new fabrics and products for their latest collections.

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Ecotextile News June

In the June 2012 issue of the magazine - OUT NOW

Interviews: Two minutes with Pat Nie Woo, Sustainable Fashion Business Consortium,
Sustainability report: Puma, Nike; Sustainable Apparel Coalition - calculating progress; Copenhagen - a blueprint for sustainable fashion; Organic cotton market latest; denim and digital printing; Bio-based textiles not yet green; water pollution in China – a holistic approach; closed loop recycling - textile waste is a growing concern.
, and latest news, insight and analysis.

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Call us on: +44 1977 708488 to subscribe to the printed magazine + online archived back issues + premium online access.




Leigh Fibers




New software tool rates M&S cotton
As part of a new project to re-inforce its long-term environmental objectives on clothing and textiles, Marks and Spencer is now using a new PC-based tool to help it to measure the overall environmental impact of the cotton that it sources from India.

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Trials illustrate enzyme advantages
Recent trials have shown that the use of biobased enzymes in the production of cotton knits can lead to an average reduction of 70 per cent water usage and a 27 per cent reduction in energy consumption while also reducing process time by up to 30% per cent.

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Luxury brands lagging on sustainability issues
A new report suggests that while luxury goods companies have fallen behind their counterparts in the clothing and textile industry in terms of promoting sustainable production practices, there are several avenues still open to them when it comes to improving their overall environmental performance.

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Energy efficient polymer production
Invista has launched a new nylon intermediates technology which has well as being more energy efficient than previous production methods, is also said to eliminate benzene from the production process.

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Wool should be sustainable and social media savvy
 The wool industry should strive to improve the communication of its sustainability message, potentially through the increased use of social media, according to speakers at the recent International Wool Textile Organization Congress. Tone Skårdal Tobiasson reports from New York.

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Home textiles sourcing event
Home Textiles Sourcing Expo (HTSE) is the only sourcing event in North America to solely focus on fabrics and finished soft goods for all home applications. HTSE provides manufacturers, retailers, jobbers, converters, contract specifiers and designers a one stop sourcing venue where they can locate new fabrics and products for their latest collections.

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Top speakers confirm RITE attendance
This year’s RITE Group conference on sustainable textiles and clothing is looking stronger than ever with the announcement that key industry figures from UK politics, The European Commission and a leading light from Marks & Spencer will all speak at the October 10th event.

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cotton   136-page sustainable cotton guide: AVAILABLE NOW
The Insiders Guide to Cotton and Sustainability, written by Simon Ferrigno and edited by John Mowbray, is now available. Published by MCL Global, producers of Ecotextile News and Knitting Trade Journal, the 136 page booklet covers the ecological impact of cotton production and the environmental challenges that this presents.

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Ecotextile News April

In the April 2012 issue of the magazine - OUT NOW

Interviews: Two minutes with ... Bernhard Kiehl, Sustainable Fabrics, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc; Ikea Sustainability report; Denim Special - Laundering, dyeing, fabrics, eco-impact guide, enzymes, legislation; EU-Eco Label revision update; CO2 dyeing latest; German retailer carbon initiative; USDA bio-preferred textiles; Organic cotton in Japan and India; Retailers lose teeth on mulesing; Special focus on eco-textile printing and new 3D printing; Bio-based nylon and eco-preferred nylon finishing. Nanosilver controversy; Digital textile finishing, and latest news, insight and analysis.

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Call us on: +44 1977 708488 to subscribe to the printed magazine + online archived back issues + premium online access.


Restrictions on PFAS sub-group in textile use

BRUSSELS – The European Commission has adopted new measures to restrict the use of…

Enzyme textile recycling pioneer raises £2.5m

CAMBRIDGE - University of Cambridge spin-out Evoralis has raised £2.5 million ($3.3m) in…

M&H Innovation

SPONSORED CONTENT: Combining Eastern and Western Technologies to Achieve 1+1>2 Synergy in…

UK textile recyclers call for government help

LONDON – The Textile Recycling Association has called on the UK government to support the…

Cambodian garment workers granted pay rise

PHNOM PENH - Garment workers in Cambodia have been granted a small increase in their…

Lycra updates on sustainability gains

WILMINGTON - The Lycra Company has announced the publication of its third annual Planet…

Next-gen materials champion to close

NAPA - The Material Innovation Initiative (MII), which has campaigned for greater…

TrusTrace to lead product claims pilot scheme

STOCKHOLM - Traceability platform TrusTrace is to lead a pilot programme to help support…

OVS turns focus to locally produced cotton

VENICE – Italian fashion brand OVS has renewed its partnership with DNA-marking…

AAFA and FLA urge action on Bangladesh workers’ rights

WASHINGTON, D.C – The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) and the Fair Labor…

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