NEW SOUTH WALES – Australian wool integrity scheme SustainaWool has adjusted its wool declaration procedure to make it a requirement of partnering growers to identify what wool has been sourced from non-mulesed sheep and what’s been acquired from sheep subjected to freeze branding, following feedback from customers in industry.
After proposed amends to AWEX’s National Wool Declaration (NWD) – which would have categories wool from sheep treated with an alternative method as AM wool – failed to come to fruition, growers have been entitled to determine their wool as non-mulesed even if it has been acquired following a different breech modification technique.
SustainaWool has now moved to rectify this following calls from customers that it isn’t providing clarity. The scheme’s programme manager, Dr Paul Swan has told Sheep Central: “We are not being prejudicial or judgmental, our supply chain partners would like to be informed and we think that is the appropriate thing to.”