This ECHA webinar explains the scope of the criteria for identifying endocrine disrupting properties in chemicals that are used for biocides and also how authorities are using these criteria to assess biocides.
The ECHA presents the main advice in the guidance on endocrine disruptors, which can be fouind in some formulations used int he textile industry such as phthalates. EU member states previously voted in favour of recognising four phthalates – DEHP, DBP, DIBP and BBP – as being hormone disrupting for humans. This is the first time chemicals have been recorded as endocrine disrupting (EDCs) for humans on the EU Candidate List of SVHCs.
Phthalates are a group of chemicals used as a softener for products that are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and products that require flexibility, such as bags and children’s toys. Plastisol prints on garments may contain phthalates, which are used as lubricating oils, solvents, fixatives and detergents.
The European Commission tasked ECHA and EFSA to develop the guidance to ensure harmonised implementation of the endocrine disruptor criteria throughout the EU for the assessment of biocides and plant protection products.
Presentations that support this webinar
- Guidance on identifying endocrine disruptors
- Hot topics web page on endocrine disruptors
- Webinar: Endocrine disruptors and biocides: what you need to know
- EFSA’s endocrine disruptor web pages
- European Commission DG SANTE topic: overview of the decision making process on endocrine disruptors
Original broadcast date: 26th June, 2018