This webinar is the second in a two-part series on the new ECHA public data availability system that will replace its currently available database – currently the largest chemical database in the European Union. Part 1 of the series can be found HERE.
This webinar continues on from the first webinar broadcasted in April 2023 and guides viewers through recent progress made in the development of the new system, that will replace the existing ECHA chemicals database. Viewers benefit from a live demonstration of the new tool where experts showcase its new features and provide updates on the transition timeline for its launch.
The ECHA database integrates industry-submitted data with regulatory information and in 2023 received 50 million page views. The system will be phased in over the coming years, starting with REACH registration data and progressing to the Classification and Labelling Inventory, followed by regulatory data. The aim of this webinar series is to inform you about the upcoming changes and help you prepare for them.
Presentations to support this webinar
Proposed new ECHA public data on chemicals dat availability system
Original broadcast date: 19th October 2023