This is the first in a two-part webinar series for stakeholders in the chemical and other manufacturing sectors that use the European Chemical Agencies (ECHA’s) chemicals database. The ECHA explains how a new public data availability system for chemicals will replace its currently chemical database – the largest chemical database in the European Union. Part II of the series can be found HERE.
In this first session, ECHA reveals its plans for the new data availability system which will gradually replace its current chemicals database that is the largest in the European Union and will be interesting to textile chemical producers and formulators.
This database brings together chemicals data submitted by industry and information generated by the regulatory activities of ECHA and authorities. However, due to an increasing amount and variety of data that needs to be made available due to expanding regulation, ECHA needs to build a new chemical data availability system.
The new database will be rolled out in several steps over a period of years starting with REACH registration data, followed by the classification and labelling inventory and regulatory data.
The aim of this webinar is to let you know what to expect and to help you prepare for the changes. More info:…
Presentations to support this webinar
Original Broadcast Date: 19th April 2023