SPONSORED CONTENT – The standard way to achieve chemical compliance for Restricted Substances Lists (RSLs) is to take a targeted snapshot of the product value chain. Eurofins Chem-ST chemical smart testing is different. As a quantitative, revolutionary chemical assessment programme, Chem-ST uses specially developed smart composite and smart testing principles that deliver strategic, risk-reducing, cost-effective, chemical risk management early in the product value chain.
This is ideal for customers seeking chemical detection to cleanse their textile and apparel supply chain of all potentially harmful chemicals, providing benefits beyond compliance and reducing the risk of supply chain employees being exposed to these chemicals.
As a proprietary programme, which doesn’t just look at a defined subset of restricted substances in a single comprehensive test package, Chem-ST covers additional chemicals of concern that are not currently restricted.
For more information, join Eurofins Softlines & Leather in this one-hour webinar, where our sustainable chemistry experts will cover:
- What sustainable chemistry is and why it matters
- An understanding of the changing global regulatory landscape surrounding hazardous chemicals
- How RSL testing is usually performed
- An understanding of Eurofins’ novel Chem-ST service
- The significant benefits of Chem-ST over standard RSL testing, including; decreased costs, faster turnaround time and increased chemical visibility for current and future regulations
- The ability to ask our sustainable chemistry experts questions (Q&A)
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